Happy Tails
Below are only a few of our stories. We have hundreds more.
Please read, learn, understand and enjoy
The Happiest Dog Ever!
Bogie came to us as a palliative care case from Lost Dogs Home in 2016. He was an unclaimed stray. We were contacted and asked to take him because "he is too sweet to be PTS and is still enjoying life". He was too. I expected this old dog, an estimated 13-14 years old when we got him, to be with us for only 6 months. He had all sorts of health issues we couldn't do anything for, but was in no pain so we just let him be. Three years later his old body finally gave in to age.
R.I.P. Bogie 2019
Rafael (Rafa)
Rafa is a sad case that came into our care in 2017 from the RSPCA. The poor boy spent more than 6 months in the pound due to a dragged out court case for animal neglect. Once the court case had been concluded RSPCA immediately contacted us and asked us if we could quietly find a new home for this boy. The court case had been played out on social media by the previous owner and this animal, and his new owner to be, didn't deserve anymore media exposure.
We felt the best for this boy was to get him rehomed interstate with the assistance of one of our people in our Australian Collie Rescue network. Julie in SA stepped up to assist. Julie had the perfect home for him in SA which was nearby to her place, so she was able to check in regularly to see how the new owner and Rafa were travelling. You see, Rafa had health problems that would be ongoing for the rest of his life.
Julie was happy to finance his medications for his life but we couldn't put the burden completely on her, so Victorian Collie Rescue started them off with 12 months supply of medication. It wasn't a cheap treatment, but it kept him comfortable. His eyes did improve over time. Rafa passed on in May last year (2021) after living out his last 4 years in peace and comfort, and being cared for as he deserved to be.
Now that Rafa has passed we can share this story with you and publicly thank everyone involved in getting Rafa to his new home, and making Rafa comfortable and happy for his last years. This thank you includes all those people that have donated money to Victorian Collie Rescue in the past and trust us to put it towards the Collies in need, whether you see where it spent, or not, as in this case.
Jackie Garvin and the Victorian Collie Rescue Crew - 2022
Gypsy came into care in Sept 2021. She was a 10 yr old surrender from a small country town in Victoria. No details were given about her execpt being told "I can't keep her anymore" by her owner.
Gypsy was placed in foster care with one of our care givers, Bronwen. She won Bronwens heart and was nearly a foster failure. Gypsy had a touch of collie nose when she came in. Collie nose can be caused by many different things. The most common cause we see in rescue though is due to a low immune system usually caused by a poor diet in negleted dogs. In the case of Gypsy we believe that she might have bumped her nose on something and it had never had the chance to heal properly. Being an outside dog in the sun all day could have made it worse. As part of the treatment for Collie nose it is very important to use sunscreen on a damaged nose, which is why Gypsy has a yellow zinc covered nose above. She will need to cover her pink nose until her black pigment grows back. And it will. Eventually.
Gypsy was only in foster care for a short time when I mentioned on social media that we had one collie just come into care but she isn't ready for adoption yet. Within a day I had a call from a previous VCR adopter saying she was ready for another collie and she would love a golden oldie because her old collie, Saffy, couldn't take on a young one. As you can see by the photo above Gypsy lives a cafe lifestyle now and loves her socialising at the park with other dogs. Saffy is now gone (RIP), and Gypsy is living very happily as an only dog.
Jackie Garvin and the Victorian Collie Rescue Crew - 2021
Through no fault of his own a young boy called Kirby came into care in 2018. A child of the previous owner was allergic to Kirby. Kirby was a 2 year old sable and white male collie, bought as a puppy from a breeder. He has been desexed, completed puppy school, his vaccinations were up to date, was house trained and was exceptionally well behaved around young children. He was often walked to school and wasn't afraid of having up to 5 or 6 (or more) children reaching over to have a pat! He isn't friends with the brush so isn't fond of being groomed, however he did go to a local dog groomer for a regular wash & trim. He was loved and the perfect dog.
Kirby is now enjoying his life with another rescue collie, Codie, and still being totally spoilt.
Jackie Garvin and the Victorian Collie Rescue Crew - 2018
A long distance rehome. At the time of us being told that Giz needed a new home I was travelling with my daughter in NT, half way into our trip around Australia. Giz was being surrendered to us due to barking and noise complaints from the neighbours. To make things more complicated Giz was a Canberra dog looking for a new forever home, so our care network in Victoria couldn't do much without some travelling.
Sometimes things are just meant to be though. A few days before I knew about Giz I was conversing with a lovely family on a farming property in NSW that were looking for a new Collie companion. At that time we had nothing availabe that would suit them. Then Giz popped up not even two days later. It was like it was mean't to be. Giz now has paddocks to run and bark in as much as he likes, and a buddy to play with.
Jackie Garvin and the Victorian Collie Rescue Crew - 2018
Here is a story about a dog called Lucky. An appropriately named dog, as he is what we call a true Rescue - a dog that was in real danger of being euthanised, but thanks to a joint effort of several people he has found his place in the right home.
Lucky found himself at the Lost Dog's Home in 2018, and as is typical of collies who have lived their whole lives in a home, he didn't cope well being in a kennel environment. Behaviourally, he went downhill very quickly, and because of the unsociable behaviours he was showing, it was looking like the end of the line for him - the LDH quite understandably can't rehome a dog that could potentially injure someone.
As we have a great relationship with the Lost Dog's Home, we got the call - were we willing to take him on? Of course! Nothing lost by trying! So off he went to our behaviourist, who worked with him and assessed him. It was decided he needed a home where he was an only dog, with someone dog savvy and who can handle a strong willed personality.
So here he is, over 18 months later - a lap dog. He went from resource guarding his food bowl for over an hour after he'd eaten, to allowing bones to be taken away from him without a complaint. He now enjoys being brushed, and loves a cuddle. He knows about boundaries, and to use his manners if he wants something. And the best news? Lucky is a foster fail - we've been told he's not going anywhere!
Katrina Wenzler and the Victorian Collie Rescue Crew - Sept 2019
For the love of Jess
Jackie Garvin and the Victorian Collie Rescue Crew - 2015
Lily is a 5 year old rough blue merle girl who was rehomed from a kennel to a loving home, unfortunately it soon became obvious that she needed canine company and her new family weren't in a position to have a second dog. After spending a month with me we found she had beautiful manners, a very sweet nature, and loves to play tug-of-war with the other dogs - but the silly side only came out if she thought nobody was watching!
Lily found a wonderful home where the family's old girl had recently passed away and Mister Danny, a two-year old rough collie, was missing the company. They now keep each other entertained at their twice daily beach walks and barking at the post man.
Katrina Wenzler and the Victorian Collie Rescue Crew - June 2016
(formally Francesco)
Winston was dumped at the young owners parents home when the owner couldn’t take him to the house that he was moving into. He was 4 yrs old. Sadly the owners parents were elderly, and even though they loved Winston, the grooming and care for a collie was too much for them, so they decided to rehome him in April 2014, with the permission of the owner of course. Hopefully the owner will think twice if he ever purchases another dog again, and remember a dog is for LIFE!
It didn’t take long to find Winston a new home. He had a lovely temperament, and was a good age. He has fallen on his paws too. He has a great companion collie now, as well as owners that will devote themselves to him for the rest of his life. Lucky, lucky boy!
Jackie Garvin and the Victorian Collie Rescue Crew - 07/2014
Below is a typically worded advertisment by us find a home for a rescue.
Popeye is an assisted re-home. His owner is parting with him as she says she doesn’t have the time for him, and also didn’t realise he would grow so big. Popeye is a 2 yr old male blue merle collie rough. He is good with kids and other dogs. He is used to being indoors as well as outdoors, but he will need some practice on lead when taken for his walks. He has basic obedience training. He sits nicely and waits for his meal and won't eat until he has been given permission. Popeye is microchipped, desexed, & vaccinated. If you are interested in adopting Popeye please complete the questionnaire on the bottom of the page at http://www. Victoriancollierescue. Com/available-for-adoption. Asp and forward it to [email protected]
Age |
2yrs |
Adoption Fee |
$Neg |
Microchip Number |
- |
Rescue Group |
Victorian Collie Rescue |
Popeye found his home in December 2011 and is now living happily in Tasmania.
Kenzie was a pound puppy collected in April 2010 who was approx 10 yrs young. She was a bit untidy so we brushed, and brushed and brushed. When we finished brushing, we washed, and washed again. She was a little bit messy.
Kenzie also had a problem with her hips and fly blown ears. The ears were treated and I was calling her my bumble butt foster, but she wasn’t in pain, so after the vet looked at her, and she was put onto some joint medication she was ready for adoption.
We needed a home that wasn’t too active, but enough that she would get walked regularly. We found one. A perfect home for her as it turns out. Kenzie is estimated to be 14 yrs now and is still bumbling around her home. She is sleeping a lot, but that’s okay for an old girl.
Jackie Garvin and the Victorian Collie Rescue Crew - 07/2014
This is Charlie. Not strictly a rough collie (more border collie) but a boy that needed our assistance all the same. He was a young boy, we believe between 18 mths and two years and very active, as border collies are. Charlie came to us when a pound called us up saying that they had a very stressed collie and could we come and get him out of the pound environment ASAP. “Sure thing!” I said. Imagine my surprise when I turned up and the pound and discovered a border collie! But they were right in saying that he was stressed. He needed to come out, and I couldn’t leave him behind. So Charlie came into care.
He needed an extra special home that could give him lots of time and attention to bring him out of his shell, but once he learnt to trust you he was your buddy for life. We found him the perfect home.
Jackie Garvin and the Victorian Collie Rescue Crew - 07/2014
Gypsy came into care with Jess at 11 weeks of age. Both had been purchased as 8 week old puppies from a Back Yard Breeder as gifts from a Grandmother to her two grandsons. Three weeks after they were purchased we received a phone call to come and collect them. We don’t know the true story of why the pups were surrendered, but I believe that it might have been a couple of reasons. Two feisty pups that want to play all day make noise and are very active can be a handful. They were starting to get to the chewy, diggy stage of their life. Trouble! There was also a story that the pups were being mistreated by the grandchildren, which I believe was also partly true, but in rescue we rarely find out the truth of why people surrender their dogs. We take them in and assess them as is.
It didn’t take long for these pups to find a home. Gypsy is now living happily ever after, but Jess has another story that needs telling separately.
Jackie Garvin and the Victorian Collie Rescue Crew - 07/2014
The story of George spans a number of years. I first met George when I rescued my two dogs from an accidental back yard breeder back in 2007. George was the father of my pup. At the time the BYB released two of her four dogs to me, but her two males, George and a springer spaniel were staying with her. The breeder of George was contacted and devastated that she had misjudged this person and wanted him back. But nothing could be done. Dogs are like possessions, and once you sell a possession there is no taking it back. We suspected it would only be a matter of time before George ended up in rescue, so we waited. And we waited. And waited.
In June 2013, six years on, I received a phone call out of the blue telling me there was a collie in a pound. I did wonder at the time who it was that called me, and possibly gave me a false name? No matter. The rescue representative that was sent there to check on him decided this boy needed to come out so he was released to us. It wasn’t until I spoke to the foster carer later that day and asked what he was going to call the boy that I was told that he already had a name. George.
I had to have a photo sent to me straight away. George had always been in the back of my mind, because he was the one that got away, and I had to know if it was the same George. It was! His face is one that I could never forget so I recognized him immediately.
Now we know he is finally safe I can stop worrying about him. He is now with a wonderful home that lavish attention on him as he deserves. Another happy ever after tail.
Jackie Garvin and the Victorian Collie Rescue Crew - 07/2014
Saffy was a pound puppy that came to us via the Latrobe pound in June 2011. She was such a sweet girl that nobody really understood why she was left there. Her coat had been clipped so there was a bit of work to do with grooming her.
It didn’t take long to find Saffy a new home. When she went to meet the person she would own, she walked right in the house like she had lived there all her life and immediately settled at her potential adopters feet. So she had made her decision on her new home without any help from us. I love these happy tail endings!
Rehomed June 2011
Jackie Garvin and the Victorian Collie Rescue Crew - 07/2014
RUFUS (the dufus)
Jackie Garvin and the Collie Rescue Crew - June 2012
The Story of a dumped dog
Most collies do not do well in pound/boarding kennel environments due to lack of physical and emotional contact with people. They need to bond. If a collie doesn’t have the opportunity to bond they can become withdrawn and distant. Sometimes this can be irreversible. Finn had become very distant and remote. Fortunately his foster carer was willing to put the time and effort into Finn to ensure he had every opportunity to prove he could be turned around. After months of rehabilitation Finn did turn around. That glazed look left his eyes and he was well on the road to recovery. We can only be thankful that he did come into rescue, and not go to the local pound. He would never have come out.
After we felt he had improved enough it was decided that he was ready to be placed in his new forever home. Of course his home would have to be a special needs home. It would have to be a quieter home with people that would be able to spend a lot of time with him, understand him, and also ensure that he didn’t regress into what he once was, and, as we always say, if you wait long enough, the perfect home always comes along eventually.



Since coming into care she has been groomed and freed up of all knots and everything else that a Collie picks up, she has also had all her vet work done as well. She is the easiest Rescue Collie I have ever had to groom and seems to love it. A nice bonus.
She hasn't been trained and at her age is only learning basic things like sit and not to pull on the lead while walking, she is smart and is catching on quick. She isn't house trained and we are working on that too, with our first night inside without an accident for me in the morning.
She is quite active and can be a bit of a barker when she gets going, she is pretty sweet but defiantly needs to learn some manners and some rules. Not sure at this stage how long she will be in foster care, guess it depends on not only her progress but also what any potential adopter is willing to take on.
Mark & the Collie Crew...
"Life for me is ROUGH and I love the three of them"
I took these pictures of Amber this morning,

Amber has been rehomed to a very nice family and despite her lack of manners, which we worked extremely hard on, they fell in love during the home visit and she fell in love with them too, it's a great home and over the next two weeks she will be placed there on trial, but I really have a feeling she won't be coming back.
GOOD LUCK Amber...
Mark & the Collie Crew...
"Life for me is ROUGH and I love the three of them"
Oscar is our walking miracle. He has caused us here in rescue to feel anxiety, sadness, sorrow, love, happiness, laughter and pure astonishment.
Oscar came to us in terrible condition. His weight was only 17.1 kg the day we collected him from Amanda. He had a lump just above his withers, and he had been vomiting for the three days previously. We were going to have a challenge on our hands.
Two weeks after this story was written Oscar’s battle for life came to a tragic end. His professional dog walker, who was under strict instruction not to, let him off his lead in a park beside a busy road and he ran off. Two days later we received information that a dog matching his description was found the same day he went missing. Dead by the side of a road.
Ellie came to us in June 2009 from the RSPCA. She was surrendered to RSPCA because her owner’s children had all grown up and so nobody was there to play with her or look after her anymore. As you can see from the photos below she was in a dreadful state when she came into foster care. Her coat was a mess. RSPCA had treated her for fly blown ears, but other than that health problem she was a happy healthy dog.
It was a three day grooming marathon that got this girl cleaned up. Underneath all that mud, poo, wee and burr cement that had managed to compact on her belly and legs we discovered a lovely happy healthy collie.
Ellie is now living happily with Justin, her new bouncing play buddy, and her new family that adore her.
Hey guys, just thought it was time for a Wellington update . . . mostly because I'm sure all my friends are sick of me talking about him ALL THE TIME so it's time to brag to people who will truly enjoy it.
We had a really lovely experience the other day. My housemate's boyfriend was fixing her bike in the front driveway and Wellie was laying around with us when the neighbours kids from across the court came over and looked at him from the edge of the drive. They said they were scared of him, so I said he was really nice and they could pet him if they wanted. The two older ones (probably 4 and 6ish) finally came and patted him. The boy (the older one) decided once was enough but once the little girl started patting him she just cuddled right up with him and we basically had to pry her off him to go back inside.
He's a good ambassador for dogs, for rescue and for Collies, too. It was just amazing to watch these little children who were convinced he was going to EAT them to really start to bond with him within about 20 minutes
We've also discovered that he only barks when playing. So if you are running around or throwing toys for him he runs and barks and turns into a crazy puppy! But he definitely knows how to switch it off and settle down when play time is over. The only toy he'll actually chase and bring back consistently is this stupid little squeaky lion (the ones from the Big Dog Day Out) and he goes bananas for it! If you throw it in our yard, he'll chase it, grab it, toss it in the air, pounce on it . . . it is too fun to watch, I'll have to see if I can put together a video of it.
He's also got great house manners. We can put food on our little side tables in the lounge - even CHEESE and biscuits when people come over and he won't touch it. He'll stare at it longingly, drool all over the floor and give you sad faces, but he won't grab it. And he's worked out that he's not to come up on the couch while we are eating (yes, we are pathetic and eat in the lounge sometimes) but as soon as you put your plate down, he's right there in your lap. He also loves to be brushed, which makes life easy. As soon as you walk into the room with the brushes in your hand he sits up tall waiting for you to begin and then pretty much falls asleep while you groom.
We still can't figure out why someone saw fit to get rid of him, but who cares? We think we are the luckiest people in the world to have him now. It's been a little over a month and I can't imagine life without Wellington.
Bush Fire Babies
In February this year, 2009, the Black Saturday fires caused a family with two pet collies to loose everything they owned. Their house was, tragically, completely razed to the ground, along with all their belongings, not unlike a lot of other people in the bush fire regions.
These two collies were kindly taken into care by Coldstream Animal Aid in conjunction with the RSPCA bush fire animal support program that was in place. Whilst in care the female of the two dogs gave birth to three lovely female puppies. All five dogs were boarded for a while at Coldstream, and when the owner thought that his life had stabilised itself enough, he took them all back to his temporary accommodation, with the intention of finding good homes for his pups.
Now for the sad part of the story. After a period of time the neighbours started complaining to the council about the dogs being held in his temporary accommodation, a unit type style of housing. No dogs were supposed to be allowed. But the owner still didn't have his house built after the fires, or the fences up on his property in Kinglake, and the council insisted that the dogs be removed from the property. The owner put them all back into care/boarding at Coldstream again. It was about then that Rescue became involved with the case.
Victorian Collie Rescue was contacted and took into care three of the five dogs that consisted of two pups and the mother of the pups.
I would also like to congratulate Coldstream Animal Aid for keeping these dogs in such beautiful condition. I have never seen Collies come out of a pound/boarding kennel environment with such fantastically groomed coats.
Early in July in 2007 Victorian Collie Rescue received a call from a pound saying that they had a Collie Rough. Sadly, this boy had been picked up by the Ranger as a stray, and his previous family had not reclaimed him. So the pound asked if we would be interested in taking him into our care and putting him into our re-homing program. Of course we immediately flew into action and it was arranged that we would pick him up the next day after he had been de-sexed etc.
Laddie was a stray, who sadly was not reclaimed by his family he had strayed from. He ended up in a pound in Melbourne and luckily Rescue found out he was there. Laddie failed the pounds assessment test, and if we had not been there to take this lovely boy into our rescue program, he would have been put to sleep. The pound determined that he was aged, that he showed early signs of arthritis, and that he had a chronic ear infection. Laddie was estimated to be of mature age, 7-8 years old, when he was found.
Our Sweet Mandy
One of our very sad cases is dear Mandy. She was a stray in the pound and never reclaimed by her owners, which is not surprising as Mandy had obviously been subjected to abuse in her previous “home”. Mandy had a dreadful wound on her back/rump area, which looked very much like she had been hit by a shovel. It was quite long and very deep, but luckily did not become infected thanks to the pound ranger’s attention. The wound has healed over time but hair will never grow in that area again.
R.I.P. 2010

She was seen advertised by a lovely young lady that lives on her own with two other dogs, an old Sheltie and a young Lab X. De-Arne fell in love with Sassie as soon as she saw her photo, and when Sassie met De-Arne for the first time, she took to De-Arne like she was already part of De-Arne’s family. After the usual home check, and meet and greet of the dogs, it seemed the perfect home for Sassie to spend her twilight years.

We caught up with Sassie at the Collie Club Fun Day March 2011. Not bad for 14+yrs old!
Thanks De-Arne for taking this old girl into your heart.
I am so glad I had the opportunity to meet Sassie and could ensure that she went to her perfect forever home. Its times like these you are reminded why you do rescue.
R.I.P. Sassie 25.01.2012
Mani came to us a few months ago, late 2009, as a surrender from the country and is approx 3-4 yrs old. His coat was in shocking condition, and he didn't respond to his original name, but that wasn’t surprising because when we were obtaining his details from his previous owner she couldn’t even recall his name! A volunteer kindly offered to bring Mani down to Melbourne for us, (many thanks to Bronwen), and at the collection point when Bronwen asked the previous owners what his diet was, and if had he been fed that day they had to make a phone call to a family member to find out! We must at least be thankful that the previous owners were referred to Victorian Collie Rescue by the local pound rather than him being impounded. Collies don’t do very well in pounds.
A week or so after he settled in to his foster home we noticed that Mani just loved children, and we also decided that he was really just a big puppy in a dog’s body that was ready and craving for proper training, someone to romp with, and lots of cuddles and love.
It didn't take long before we found a family on our waiting list that had been waiting for the perfect new family member to come along. This family had been waiting for quite a few months, knowing and understanding that it can sometimes be a while before a suitable "family" rescue can be found, but they were patient, and rewarded for their patience.
Mani has now been officially adopted and is living in his new home with the boy he now owns, 10 yr old Chandler, and Chandlers family, which also includes a new collie buddy, Willow. Another collie has gone off to their perfect home.
Bonnie and Marty
In October 2005 Victorian Collie Rescue received a call to say that there was an elderly couple of dogs in a Victorian country pound. One was an old Collie and her mate was a Japanese Chin boy. These guys had been surrendered by their owner who was no longer able to care for them.
Sadly, both these guys were on the older side and they both relied on each other greatly - so it was preferable to keep them together if at all possible. We knew it was going to be hard to rehome these guys together, not many people want 2 dogs. Or they already have 1 dog so adopting 2 extras is out of the question. Plus with both being on the older side it was going to be a very special person who would adopt them.
Following are photo's of Bonnie (the Collie) and Marty (the Japanese Chin) on the day they were released into Vic Collie Rescues care.
A call was put out on an Australian Show email list to see if anyone on there knew someone who may be able to help give these guys a home. A South Australian show person came to the aide of these two golden oldies and offered a home to both, so a chain of events then evolved and a "road transport" link was devised with several people offering help in getting these 2 from the country Vic pound to their new SA home.
When Vic Collie Rescue actually got these 2 into their hot little hands it became obvious that the Japanese Chin boy was indeed a bit on the large side ... we suspect he is not purebred. But Bonnie was all Collie Rough and she was simply adoreable. A bit wobbly on the old legs but she had been through a stressful week in a pound and seperated from her friend Marty (state govt rules that dogs must not be penned together, meant they had to be in seperate pens) and also a long car trip.
Bonnie & Marty arrived in their SA home to be greeted by their adoring new parents and several Japanese Chins. An urgent bath and groom was ordered (they were a tad smelly on release). Both have the run of the house & yard and are now very much loved and incredibly happy.
Recently Bonnie suffered a mild stroke but she is doing well. She is estimated to be around 12 years old now.
This story was written in 2007 and Bonnie has since passed away. But we know that the last few years of her life were happy years.
R.I.P. Bonnie.
Juliet O'Meara and the Victorian Collie Rescue Crew - Feb 2010
Thomas the Tank
Early in 2007 Victorian Collie Rescue discovered a sad male Collie in a pound. He was not responsive at all to the person trying to chat to him through is wire pen door, he just lay there and stared straight ahead.
This boy was released by the pound into Vic Collie Rescues care and they promptly named him "Thomas ... the Tank" because he was sooo overweight and he quite simply barrelled through his foster carer and her own Collies, because once he built up steam he could not stop himself. Here he is the day he arrived into foster care ... a totally different dog to the boy who was stressing & pining in the Pound.
"Thomas" was put on a very strict diet and exercise program at his foster home. And his dreadful coat condition was dealt with over a slow period of several grooming sessions. His bath was very much appreciated by both Thomas and his foster carer. After a period of time, Thomas finally started to lose some of the 50+kg that he arrived with. He then found a fantastic home in NSW and they have continued on his weight loss program.
Thomas looking adoringly up at his new "Dad"
Juliet O'Meara and the Victorian Collie Rescue Crew - 2007
Hello all at Victorian Collie Rescue
Tylli (was Millie) belonged to an elderly lady who has a disabled son and whilst they loved her they were really struggling to care for her. The lady lost her husband a while back, and she could not groom her or exercise her properly. Due to this Millie was surrendered to Victorian Collie Rescue for re-homing.
Tylli more then found her paws where she landed, she has a lovely family who spoil her immensely and no longer wants for anything…ever… Every now and then I receive an email from Tylli and she lets me know how everything is going and tells me a little of her new life. I would like to thank both her Dads for making sure she has such a beautiful life.
Hello Uncle Mark
Well, it has a long time since I spoke to you.
Lots has happened I have put on weight and my coat is getting nice and soft and gradually growing back. My 2 dads are really good to me and I am really looked after well and do not want for anything.
I am much better with the vacuum cleaner and do not bark at the hair dryer anymore I just run to the bathroom door and look at it, lawn mowers and some power tools WELL, I still have issues with these, oh and I have found out about these things called kookaburras.
Where I live there are lots of them and I like to chase the noise they make and bark at them mind you, I can never really find them but when I go out if I hear them I just have to run off and try and find them and daddy Ray said he has never ran so much chasing me, sometimes I run all the way across the golf course and he looses sight of me daddy Kevin is not so bad.
The cat thing next door now wears a bell as he has been eating locals if you know what I mean BUT guess what, now I know when the cat thing is in the yard or on the roof, really do not like cats.
I have made sooooooooooo many friends and I really like to play and run with other dogs but some of them like Sam are a bit rough with me but my dads make sure nobody hurts me. The car things are still a worry I don’t like to hop into them but I love to put my face out the window when I do and sniff all the smells in the air. My dads have recently taken me to the water, only the edge but I am a little wary.
I still have lots of walkies of which is good as my dads have lost weight. I have some pictures that I will send to you soon and you will see the difference in me.
I am having my first walkies today with Darrin my new friend that will take me out so I do not get bored during the day while my dads are at work earning money to keep me in my new lifestyle that I have become very accustomed too.
My new dads have taken some snaps of me and as you can see I am getting lots of love I have put on wait and my coat is getting softer and longer, OH I AM SOOOOOOOO SPOILT.
Darrin my new dog walking man starts this Today. My dads have him on trial and he will take me out on Tuesday and Thursday for walkies so I do not get bored.
Anyhow, must away to get pretty for Darrin and will talk soon.
Hi to Ryan and all the other kids including the human ones.
Love Tylli XXXXX
Mark Forde and the Victorian Collie Rescue Crew - May 2008
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